International Database of Planets, Stars
& Extraterrestrial Land Claims



General info

International Database of Planets, Stars & Extraterrestrial Land Claims (IDPS & ELC) is an international electronic directory. On March 20, 1985 the IDPS & ELS base was officially opened. Since then, it unceasingly replenished with new space objects. IDPS & ELC has become a controlling entity that registers names to astronomical bodies. For this purpose IDPS & ELC has developed a Unified heavenly bodies Catalog synchronising all major data from other registrators.

The catalog is based on all popular Catalogues where detailed information about over 500000000 objects are listed.

A big number of Scientific Institutes, governmental and commenrial companies cooperate with IDPS & ELC.

All information about a new astronomical body, registered by a registrator participating with IDPS & ELC is promptly added to our Unified heavenly bodies Catalog.

All partner companies have a Conformance Certification. A Conformance Certification provides and assurance that the level of a company services is in accordance with IDPS & ELC requirements and standards.